Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Guestblog: DeLauro Continues to Deceive & Receive

Commentary by Chris Schaefer, Connecticut

Yesterday Rosa DeLauro commented on a “new” report—
based on OLD and utterly inaccurate “statistics”—
and issued by the “social justice” organization “Social Security Works”.
DeLauro: “Today, women make just 77 cents for every dollar made by a man for equal work”
—a “statistic” which has been disproved time and time again,
ever since DeLauro first began ranting about it, for example: http://www.usnews.com/debate-club/should-the-senate-pass-the-paycheck-fairness-act/paycheck-fairness-act-is-based-on-a-misapplied-statistic .
The fact that Rosa DeLauro would continue to quote such false information
underscores her desperate willingness to use ANY deceptive means whatsoever
to support her perpetual re-election.
DeLauro: “inequality affects women of color more than any other racial background”.
Which begs the question:
Why therefore should ‘women of color’ continue to support a politician
who has been unable to improve the overall economic status of CT’s minorities,
despite serving 24 years in Congress—

24 years during which Democrats and Republicans took turns
holding the House majority as well as the White House?
If voters truly want to start changing some REAL statistics for the better,
then it’s time to get rid of ineffective Representatives.
And a good place to begin would be
getting rid of Rosa DeLauro.
If you believe in returning our govt to the People—YOU!—
rather than allowing it to be run by out-of-touch, elitist—and deceptive--MultiMillionaires like DeLauro,
—then copy/paste this entire post into an email—and send it to 3rd district* friends, post on Facebook, etc. to share with others
[you can use the Facebook and Twitter buttons below ]
—and help expose this fraud!
#RosaDeLauroExposed #AnyoneButDeLauro
#NOincumbents #NHV #equality #inequality #RealityCheck #ctjobs #jobs #tlot #tiot #TermLimits #independent #ctpolitics #RetireRosa #jamesbrownforcongress

Meet DeLauro’s opponent:

*CT's 3rd district: Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Bethany, Branford, Derby, Durham, East Haven, Guilford, Hamden, Middlefield, Middletown (part of), Milford, Naugutuck, New Haven, North Branford, North Haven, Orange, Prospect, Seymour, Shelton (part of), Stratford, Wallingford, Waterbury (part of), West Haven, Woodbridge.

Be sure to share this with folks in these towns—
help DUMP DeLAURO—and get YOUR government back!

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