Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Watch: Video of Illegal Alien Rock Attacks on Border Patrol

Thanks to Gail Patricia Whitright

1 comment:

  1. A 2007 video. The fence idea is a loosing idea. Some of the fences that have been built had contractors caught using illegal aliens building it. Funny or sad?

    Next is the fence it a false deterrent. The fences built currently are not strong. There simply isn't enough surveillance to cover a break in the fence.

    A group of people can climb up and snip wires and get over, They can dig under, and with simple tools they can cut through.

    When there is a will, there is a way. Don't spend tax payer money on a failure project.

    But it is now 2014. These facts have been realized by all of us except the idiots.


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