Monday, October 21, 2013

St. Vincent DePaul Amazing Grace Soup Challenge Success!

St. Vincent de Paul Middletown and the Amazing Grace Food Pantry had a very successful kickoff of the Amazing Challenge. The Amazing Challenge  was held Thursday, October 10, 2013, from 5-7:00 PM at the Monsignor M. Davitt Fox Parish Center at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Middletown. It featured feature a soup supper, consisting of eight different soups, donated by area restaurants, caterers and churches. Desserts like gourmet cupcakes and home baked brownies and cookies were enjoyed. Local "celebrity" soup servers were on hand to dish out tasty soups including chili, barley chicken, and hot sweet and soup options. We will update this article with the total amount raised soon!

Councilwoman Linda Salafia

A large group of pay what you can guest came to enjoy soup

State Victims' Advocate and former state senator Len Suzio with candidate & former Mayor Seb Giuliano

Mayor Dan Drew

MRTC Vicechair William Wilson provided back of house help

Director of St. Vincent DePaul Ron Krom was master of ceremonies

NEAT Director Bobbye Knoll and BOE Vice chair Sheila Daniels

Councilman Phil Pessina and Joe Bibisi ladle beef barley soup

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