Guestblog by Connecticut resident Palin Smith. The Middletown Insider publishes guestblogs as a courtesy to readers, opinions expressed may not be that of the Insider staff.
MUNICIPAL ELECTION is a week and a day away. On November 5 be sure to vote and get as many others to vote your way. And on November 6 don't go into cryogenic sleep until this time next year. Turn off Fox News Channel and pick up a phone, email a friend and follow the news online. Listening to the same over-paid pundits night after night will not solve your problems. They care nothing for your well being.
So you ask what can you do? Did you know that a small group of friends in the “quiet corner” have already assembled a highly motivated group of people intent on ousting State Senator Donald Williams in the 29th district? Nearly 50 people, a year before the 2014 election are expanding their network every month. We can't win by waiting for the under-nourished Republicans to supply another lackluster sacrificial lamb.
Anyone who will not get involved, expecting others to do the work, has NO right to complain about Republicans or politics in general. Conservatives, gun enthusiasts and everyone else who is fed up with a one-party state government have the duty to organize. Don't let the Republicans dictate whom you will vote for next year. Find your own candidates.(and they might be Republicans) Congeal into a force as powerful as local town committees. In many instances you can influence who becomes the candidates. Consider how satisfying you would feel to be able to vote FOR your choice rather than vote for the lesser of two evils. NEVER AGAIN should conservatives hold their noses on Election Day!
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ONLY 20 people attended 5th District Rep. Elizabeth Esty's “Congress on your corner” meeting at the YMCA in Meriden yesterday. Every public question or comment displayed anger or disappointment with Esty's positions on the issues, but not necessarily her as a person. The word “Tea Party” was not mentioned a single time. If we had had a few more people there, we might have completely controlled the discussion. Here's an 8 clip play list of the event. Watch how the Congresswoman tries to run out the clock by rambling on. playlist?list= PL5wsVsNCEygqba5La9QIDizexpJum Oy_a
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AGENDA 21 Last Wednesday a group of ten patriots responded to Bristol activist Shawn Ruest'sinvitation to join his protest across from Bristol City Hall. Shawn has been fighting a one-man battle against proposed downtown development which would include a huge battery of subsidized low income housing. Bristol is another Connecticut city in decline. Desperate for economic stimulus, too many cities are on the verge of being hoodwinked into accepting light rail hubs. articles/2013/10/23/news/ doc52688bb14e332784160817.txt
I'm always thrilled to meet new people like Casey Bonas from Bethlehem. It's too bad he's headed for New Hampshire. This is a salesman for Liberty.
Goodman Brown is another new Face Book friend whom we met in person for the first time. Be sure to click the link to his Goodman Chronicle Blog. Nobody I've met is as clear and concise about Agenda 21 as Goodman. Friends, we are going to win.
And the entire view of our rally. playlist?list= PL5wsVsNCEygp9bKRflXivQSNRO9ie -QXu
If you like what you see, please share the videos via email, FB or Twitter with your friends in Connecticut.
The day before Bristol we attended the Meriden mayoral debate at Washington Middle School. Our good Republican friend, Manny Santos, has made the commitment to beat the odds. This was his first debate. Manny's natural talent has yet to be seasoned, but he is a problem solver, not a bureaucrat like incumbent Democrat Michael Rohde. Watch how Santos gets stronger through the debate. And especially watch for the instant the Mayor is asked about his qualifications for the job. It's a hoot.Manny Santos is the change Meriden has been waiting for.
The unabridged debate in full: playlist?list= PL5wsVsNCEygra5hmIeIp3S1ZAkZKC Ygug
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People are asking, what's finished? The Tea Party or Obamacare. Much of the Tea Party's strength and 2010 election victory was gained from its struggled against Obamacare. The hoax of the government shutdown is now revealed. Ted Cruz risked much but he will be vindicated. Cruz was successful raising the stakes and the American people don't want to play the game anymore. They are seeing the bills coming due. They are being dropped from their good insurance policies.
Ted Cruz spoke at the Ronald Reagan dinner in Iowa last Friday.
Democrats up for reelection in the RED states are terrified. They want a one-year delay. If Obamcare is delayed a year, the Tea Party and Ted Cruz will be victorious again, and Obamacare will shrivel on the vine. http://www.thegatewaypundit. com/2013/10/hah-hah-100-of- senate-dems-up-for-reelection- want-o-care-delayed/
Democrats are so fearful of losing that they embrace racist antics of their former KKK days with things like this. allen-west-the-democrat-party- is-obviously-still-proud-to- have-the-burning-cross- displayed/
Mocking of Obamacare has been rampant on the internet.
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CLIMATE CHANGE ALERT....The alarmists must be sad about his.
But as long as the money doesn't dry up they keep wasting it foolishly.
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If you still watch Bill O'Reilly, you may have seen him wake up too.
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We rarely cover local controversies in Woodbury anymore, but at the Board of Education meeting last week, we observed a lawyer instruct the Board how to conduct its regular meetings. I believe this occurs after every election to make sure the newbies got a handle. The election was a month ago.
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The full list on the events tab of the FB page. groups/449760198456036/events/
We are hosting an event at our favorite bridge – 100 Howard Avenue in New Haven. Saturday, Nov. 2 starting at noon. Come join us anytime up to 4 PM. Bring flags and large signs. To refresh here's our last event there on October 11. Come on out and have some fun.
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For rapid research you may wish to bookmark this link to Connecticut's Constitution
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It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds. (Samuel Adams)
Pass the matches or get out of the way…..
Palin Smith
In Eastern CT you may wish to attend the free concert on Friday. Flyer attached.
An invitation from Patriot Rich... a great guy honoring our veterans at Killingly High School, a great family event this coming Friday
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