Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Blast from the Past Dance with DJ Nick Fazzino

Dance with DJ Nick Fazzino
(Blast from the Past )
music from the 70's,80's, and 90's
Sons of Italy
2 Court Street
November 2
Call 860-998-0996 for tickets
Doors open at 7:00 pm 
tickets $15 sold at the door.


  1. are we "dressing" for the throwback time frame???

  2. The democrats are going around threatening anyone including city workers who goes to this dance with retaliation - people get over it! It is just a dance and its wrong & dirty for them to be telling people not to go-

  3. Word on the street is some senior Democrat Councilpersons are telling city workers and other citizens not to show their face at the Middletown GOP's dance this weekend or else. Or else what? People strength in numbers! Stand up to these few bullies. Anyone who tells you can't support your friends and family is a pussy, and most definitely not your friend. Its just a dance!!! Get you loose..foot loose! & be your own person.

  4. Great to see Mark Tine , Middletown Fire at fundraiser.

    Mark hats off to you, haven't seen you in a while buddy



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