Monday, August 12, 2013

Update from South Fire on 9/11 Project

 We asked Capt. Mike Howley how the 9/11 Memorial under construction at South Fire was going, here is what he had to say:

South Fire District & Local 3918 IAFF update on 9/11 Memorial Project. Many things will be going on with the Memorial Garden Project this month in anticipation of the dedication ceremony on 9/11 at 8:30am. The footings for the benches are in, the benches will be mounted over the next week by Steve Crouch and engraved. Plantings are continuing to go on around the project. Masonry work will start this week with the inner circle around the Beam being done. The bricks should start to go in around the 26th of the month. People are welcome to stop by and see the progress of the project and even lift a shovel to assist if they want to!!.

         Michael J.Howley

Capt. Michael J. Howley
South Fire District Middletown
445 Randolph Road
Middletown CT.  06457

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