Sunday, June 23, 2013

Think for yourself!!!


  1. Comparing today's GOP to the party of Lincoln, huh? Whatever helps you sleep at night...

  2. Yes the NSA checking into everyone's text and emails is what we got from the democratic party. That along with the IRS debacle, and Benghazi tells me all I need to know about the leadership we have in this current administration.

  3. Kennedy, a Democrat, is the president who pushed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to congress. And while the Republicans voted at a higher percentage FOR the bill, There were more Democrats that voted for the bill. There were also more that opposed it as well. Of course.. that might have something to do with the fact all but EIGHT southern voters voted against it. Eight, who were democrats. The Southern Republicans ALL voted against it.But then again, The South had 114 Democrats voting on it and 31 Republicans. If you only look at the Northern votes, it was a greater percentage of Republicans who opposed. But hey.. I'm not saying the Republicans are bad for that. In factI sincerely applaud your attempt to bring the percentage of 'African-american' voters towards the Republican Party, I must say that you should get all your facts straight, though. And maybe work more towards getting people to educate themselves on politics. Heck, if more people paid attention to politics, we'd actually be voting for the people who stand for the changes WE want, instead of voting our fathers' choice.


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