Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What is the Connecticut Restoration Coalition?

Press release: Connecticut Restoration Coalition 
Meeting June 1, 5 pm
75 Aircraft Road, Southington CT 06489
 KING 33 Training Center,

Connecticut Restoration Coalition has been formed to focus the efforts of all citizens in Connecticut.

From the CRC Website: 
"Realizing a need for timely and accurate communication throughout CT, we work with groups like CCDL, Oathkeepers, CT Carry, 1MMAGC-CT (and others) to form this coalition. We are not a group in of itself, but an organization that collects and provides information relevant to Connecticut residents when their rights and liberties are challenged.

We believe both the state and federal governments are heading in the wrong direction and we choose to fight! Bills, proposals, town hall meetings, and other events that you need to takeACTION on will be posted here.
We meet Saturday nights at KING33 in Southington (75 Aircraft Rd.) between 5-7pm. We welcome new like-minded speakers, have group leaders share, and have an open discussion of the next weeks calls to action in CT. We then set up plans, act on them, share information and return for the next week. Our goal is to get everyone calling, showing up at LOB/rallys/town halls and making their voices heard.
The people of the coalition are working together to maintain our constitutional rights! Please message us if you are interested in joining or come to the meeting! If you are a liberty or Constitution focused group in CT, we want to hear from you. Email us or come to one of the Coalition meetings."
Mission Statement:
To ensure that our Constitutional rights shall never be infringed, ever again.
Vision Statement:
It started here, we’ll restore it here.
The Constitution.
eMail Here for Coalition related questions

Coalition Flyer:
Simple one is here.
Robust one (non-printer friendly) is here.
Visit Our Facebook Page:
“CT Restoration Coalition”
The site is updated throughout the day.

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