Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mayor Drew to Attend Margaret Thatcher's Funeral

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary


  1. Oh come on! I know this is a joke. Drew doesn't even know who Margaret Thatcher is!

  2. From what I'm hearing he's gone. People are fed up with his know-it-all attutude. People are also keeping tabs on the amount of time he is not at work.

  3. He ain't gone unless he has a challenger! We are less then 6 months away from election. While we are at it, time for a new council-persons! Anyone with a pulse will do. How about that homeless guys. He's pretty sharp! Santangelo gotta go too. What a tool! Deputy mayor my Arse! More like Deputy Dummy.

  4. But who will run? The republicans have let the first fundraising quarter come and go without a peep. the mayor has been given a huge head start in a city with a shallow GOP bench. Seb? Deb? Linda? Anyone?

  5. Come on Seb, run! Revenge is best when eaten cold! Lets get this guy out of there!

  6. Drew is so bad he makes Seb look good and that's no easy feat!

  7. I think Seb would be ok, because gets what went wrong. Drew on the other hand thinks he can do no wrong.


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