Sunday, April 14, 2013

Delusions of Grandeur or Delusions of Slander?

  • Has society made you pre judge those with certain political beliefs?
    Below is a conversation with a reader on facebook. It seems our blog has taken on mythical status and we are responsible everything perceived negative in Middletown.  Must be that damn Insider blog!!
    Some of our readers are experiencing un-explainable paranoid delusions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ChrisTopher Polack
    It comes to my attention that your website slandered me and my volunteer activities with Midnight on Main. If you really like making up stuff, come see our improv comedy show this Friday.
    Seriously, your site is really funny.
  • Middle Town
    Explain this slander?
  • ChrisTopher Polack
    I volunteered for Middnight on Main. I received no compensation I don't even know why my name was dragged into the blog post.
  • Middle Town
    Type a link to what was specifically said that was incorrect.
    Did you get paid by the Chamber? Which post? Was it a comment?
  • Middle Town
    Did you get paid for any media related to Midd on Main by the Chamber or another source? You are welcome to write a letter to the editor if your accusation of slander is serious. You can clear up who did or did not pay you if you like. Please cite the specific example and where it was posted by us in a blog post. We cannot find anywhere were WE wrote that. We do not screen and are not responsible for what anonymous commentors post. subject : letter to the editor
  • ChrisTopher Polack
    I did not get paid for any media by Middnight on Main or the Chamber for my volunteering for Middnight on Main.
    You know, I do a search on your site and I can't find any link to my name. So, either it's not there now or or perhaps it was an anonymous comment?
    I blame the liberal media.
  • Middle Town
    So you are accusing us of slander- a serious allegation and without ANY proof or merit at all??? SO you are basing your accusation on??? Hearsay? It is not very nice to make random accusations when there is no truth. We too research our facts very well.
  • ChrisTopher Polack
    You're right, slander is a strong word. It's not a random accusation. YOu seem familiar with this topic by citing the Chamber. Did you say anything about me? Y/N?
  • Middle Town
    NO! You are active in the community and we know that from your facebook postings. If there were comments on other blogs or websites like the Press etc would you accuse them too?The Chamber, CHC, and City all worked together to promote Midd on Main. There was a combination of paid and unpaid workers used.
  • ChrisTopher Polack
    Okay, thanks for clearing that up. I don't know where people are getting their info from.
  • Middle Town
    We don't even know what people! Thanks for making us the scapegoat. Have a good night!
  • ChrisTopher Polack
    Hey, sorry we started on the wrong foot, anonymous blogger..Come see some comedy Friday and have a good laugh.
  • Middle Town
    Thank you! We might post this if you don't mind- its a good laugh- Check under the bed tonight- just to make sure none of our staffers are lurking there  Good night


    1. Hi I'd like to insult you but please offer me free publicity for my event. Typical liberal.

    2. I am confused.. Why doesn't he ask if Jen or Mark got paid? HE is friends with ED4ED and SHD, what's up with them? Was his name ever mentioned in the MI? I didn't see it.. He is trying to bait you folkkkkks! Something is dirty in Denmark.. Mark is shady, Bluecat is shady, but this dude is worried about some message that didn't include is name? Who put him up to this.. ED4ED? Maybve, since he is banned from bringing the mail to Molly's hawse.

    3. We see this today with the bombing, some dumb news reporters said it could be right wingers before any reports came in! Unbelievable the persecution that is permitted! This Polluck kid is being a JERK

    4. Oh my.. It's so true. After the Ed show, it's sad, but true those guys only care about money and more money.. Shame on them. How Ed never mentions Jen or CHC boy in his posts? They stealing money left and right- so unethical. Ed should run for mayor, that's what we need another unEthical punk about there. SKYPE THis! "Tell us your name!" I bet is your line, nope, no way, why bother you are tracing all the anon emails anyhow.

      Ed is taking money for the CAUSE?? What? His friends have more money than Richie RIch! SHD talks about being Mr. Diverse, he is, you know where? At a University that has students that PAY $45,000 a year to be there. Please.. Perhaps SHD should teach a lower level course at Middletown High School and Give back to the community.. NOt enough money in it for Steevo. Typical liberal, sits on the outside and tell people that work in the real world how to do their jobs..


    Authors of comments and posts are solely responsible for their statements. Please email for questions or concerns. This blog, (and any site using the blogger platform), does not and cannot track the source of comments. While opinions and criticism are fine, they are subject to moderator discretion; slander and vile attacks of individuals will not to be tolerated. Middletown Insider retains the right to deny any post or comment without explanation.

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