Saturday, March 09, 2013

Wayne Winsley: Is Is Discrimination Against Women Okay in CT Legislature?

 Below is a essay originally published by Wayne Winsley former senate candidate in the 2012 election cycle and conservative blogger. The following is republished with permission. 
We previously published the statement given by CT GOP chair Jerry Labriola calling for the resignation of State Rep. Hewett after his alleged sexist remarks to a female intern. Below, Winsley makes an analogy to the situation. Views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Insider staff.  
It is published in its original form on Wayne Winsley's personal blog "The Conservative Capitalist" here:

Is Discrimination Against Women Okay in CT Legislature?

At first it might seem like a silly question but in view of the Ernest Hewett situation, it needs to be asked.

This is what CT. State Representative Ernest Hewett ACTUALLY said in defending his now infamous “snake under my desk” comment.

According to The Hartford Courant, the New London Democrat told the paper that he

"purposely will not have female interns. My intern now is a male. I want to keep it like that. I've had female interns in the past that sit in my office all day. I thought it was totally weird and I didn't want another."
"That's why I was so leery about staying away from interns," he told The Courant. "I don't know what they're going to give me. They may give me a female, but I don't want a female intern. That may sound sexist but I really don't. That way that keeps me good and that keeps everybody else good." Read full story
 According to The Hypothetical paper, the imaginary Republican told the paper that he 
click to continue:

"purposely will not have black interns. My intern now is a white. I want to keep it like that. I've had black interns in the past that sit in my office all day. I thought it was totally weird and I didn't want another."
"That's why I was so leery about staying away from interns," he told The Hypothetical. "I don't know what they're going to give me. They may give me a black, but I don't want a black intern. That may sound racist but I really don't. That way that keeps me good and that keeps everybody else good."

Would these imaginary comments be okay if they were uttered by a sitting Connecticut lawmaker? Or would they be viewed as outrageous, offensive, archaic, and racist?

If so, then why are the very real comments above that were actually put forth by State Representative Ernest Hewett being ignored, particularly by the many women who are serving and working in and around the Connecticut Legislature?

Is discrimination against women okay in the CT Legislature?
Or does it depend on who is doing the discriminating?

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