Monday, February 25, 2013

Local Middletown Republicans Hold Monthly Meeting Tonight

WANTED: Are you a person who thinks Gov. Malloy has FUBAR'd the budget into a fiscal disaster?  Do you feel that our local Democrat representatives, state senators, mayor and legislators aren't doing enough about it??
Meet other folks who think so too!

Alright, that is not the MRTC's (Middletown Republican Town Committee) official slogan, but we at the Insider think it should be!

February 25, 2013 Tonight 7 pm Council Chambers, City Hall DeKoven Drive

Print this for a front row seat to the action and who knows maybe somebody will buy you a coffee after the meeting.


  1. Wish you had published this earlier. I would have gone!

  2. The state legislature will get it's chance to modify the Governor's proposed budget. This is how government works. It is important to let your state rep and senators know what you think.

  3. The next meeting of the Middletown Republican Town Committee will be on Monday, March 25, at 7pm, at City Hall. Please join us.

    Ken McClellan
    Chairman, MRTC


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