The Insider previously published a series of 3 pieces discussing negative issues the the Reorganization will cause if executed in the manner the Government Task Force on Efficiency suggested. See link here Below is an outline of what each was given in this deal of life time ( can't begrudge anyone for taking this really, we would too), mind you, City workers DO NOT receive Social Security even though they pay into it their whole career. The economic impact this will have on the pension fund, previously self maintaining is TBA. What is so different about this golden handshake package is the cost and years added to the service of some to encourage specific individuals to leave. What do Drew & the Serracrats have up their sleeves? For some reason, they wanted these positions open to fill with their chosen ones.
The Insider wishes all retirees a joyous retirement and thanks them for their City service.
Ken Jackson - last day December 30, 2013 - $40K option - BOE Director of Facilities, separate contract employee
Gary Ouellette - last day July 5, 2013, 40K option (just an FYI that they may not have thought of in his case, but because he's on the books 7/1, and per the new personnel rules, the non-union employee directors get their - Fire Chief, non-union
vacation as a lump sum as of 7/1)
Ray Santostefano - last day December 31, 2012, 40K option, Director of Parks & Recreation, Senior Services, unionJohn Milardo - last day December 31, 2012, 40K option, Supervisor of Parks, union
Rick Kearney - last day October 31, 2012, 40K option, Economic Development Specialist, union
Debra Milardo - last day December 21, 2012, 5 years of credit, dental
coverage, option B health insurance of personnel rules, Director of Personnel, non-unionSal Emanuele - last day March 31, 2013, 40k option, Supervisor of Streets, union
John Parker - last day December 22, 2012, 40K option, Building Official, union
Lisa Melaven - last day June 28, 2013, 2 additional years, Cafeteria Manager, union
Tim Lynch - last day January 31, 2013, 5 additional years, dental coverage,
option b health insurance of personnel rules, Deputy City Attorney, non-unionDeb Gill - last day December 31, 2012, 40K option, Assistant Tax Assessor, union
James Lane - last day December 31, 2012, 40K option, Supervisor of Sanitation, union
Lou DiMauro - last day June 30, 2013, 40K option, BOE Custodial Manager, union
Sandra Russo-Driska, last day June 30, 2013, 40K option, City and Town Clerk, union
Elizabeth Nocera- last day December 30, 2013, 40k option, BOE Grants Coordinator, non-union, separate contract.
The last day indicated is the last day of physically showing up for work, their pensions will start when they have exhausted their vacation and personal time.
Some 466 employees have been appointed as "Acting" for Jimmy Lane's position, Ray Santostefano's position, John Parker's position and John Milardo's position.
Also, Sandra's agreement has her leaving as of June 30, 2013; however, she had told the Mayor that she wanted to leave in January instead and now he is trying to hold her to the June 30th date. She has contacted her union rep.
The language in the Teamster's contract, page 8, paragraph B states, known as Option B: For those current active employees who are members of the bargaining unit as of July 1, 2006 and who, within one hundred and twenty (120) days of the ratification and implementation of the AGREEMENT, elect
to, upon retirement, be provided the same health insurance coverage as active employees, subject to the same limitations and payments as active employees, shall be provided said coverage as the said coverage, limitations, and payments may be amended from time to time. All pensioners,age sixty-five (65) and older who are eligible for Medicare Parts A & B shall receive the same coverage as active employees, as said coverage, limitations and payments may be amended from time to time. The City's plan shall be supplemental to Medicare, Employees must have at least fifteen (15) years of City service to be eligible for health insurance benefits upon retirement. The premium cost-sharing obligation for the retiree shall be based upon age on date of retirement.
Less than Age 45 80% of cost of healthcare premium
Ages 46 to 54 60% of cost of healthcare premium
Ages 55 to 61 40% of cost of healthcare premium
Ages 62 and on Retiree pays same as actives with cap of 25% applied
for life.
The language in the signed MOU states:
#3. For employees' who selected Option B of the Collective Bargainig Agreement for retirement medical plans, the premium cost share at exit from employment shall be based upon their current age and the conditions set forth in the CBA. Upon reaching age 62, the premium cost share shall be reduced to the same percentage as paid by active employees' with a maximum cap as provided under the CBA in effect as of the date this Memorandum of Understanding is executed.
Why is it a blue ribbon report?