Monday, January 28, 2013

UNITED WAY Point In Time Count of Homeless

January 29th: UNITED WAY Point In Time Count of Homeless: Volunteers needed for homeless count people in our state. The count takes place Tuesday, Jan. 29, from 5:30 to 11 p.m. Information from the count will enable us to gauge the extent of homelessness, determine the services needed to end it, and help leverage federal funding to support those services. The Middlesex County contingent will meet at the YMCA, 99 Union St., Middletown. The evening will begin with orientation and brief training, and volunteers will be assigned to designated areas to located unsheltered people and conduct the survey. To sign up, contact Lisa Callahan at (860) 262-5352 or email Follow End In Ten on Facebook 

January Through March Nightly Warming Center: St. Vincent DePaul Middletown with downtown churches have a nightly warming center throughout the winter for the city's homeless people. The warming center will be open nightly from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. The Church of the Holy Trinity will host during January, South Congregational will host during February and First United Methodist will host the warming center in March. This year, St. Vincent de Paul received a $10,000 grant from the city health department and got donations from Middlesex ospital, St. Pius X Church, River Valley Services, Seasons Federal Credit Union and the Liberty Bank Foundation.

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