Heating Assistance Available |
Operation Fuel is now accepting
applications for emergency energy assistance. If you or someone you know might require heating assistance, please call the state's free infoline at 211 or visit the Operation Fuel website at www.operationfuel.org for more information. The non-profit organization provides emergency energy assistance to families who may have no other option to cover energy costs. Most recipients are either elderly or working families with children. In addition, if you have the ability to donate to this program, I encourage you to do so. Each winter, Operation Fuel receives many more requests for energy assistance than they can fulfill. They are hoping to raise at least $1 million from individual donors. By mail, donations for Operation Fuel can be sent to: Operation Fuel One Regency Drive, Suite 200 Bloomfield, CT 06002 Donations may also be made online at www.operationfuel.org. Thank you! |
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