Saturday, December 15, 2012

From Commissioner M. Salafia

Hello Mr. Warner & Mr. Wackers,

I appreciate the Jonah's Center and First Church making available
space for a presentation on the Planning & Zoning Department's
suggested changes to the zoning code, and subsequent plans for
Middletown's river front that will be taking place tonight. I also
appreciate the Department's efforts to inform citizens. I also realize
this is not the first time this presentation has been held.

I would like to ask that this evening's presentation be repeated on
public property- such as a school, the library, or council chambers as
an official event posted with the Town Clerk so that the public is
ensured prior notification and more have the opportunity to attend who
may otherwise feel uncomfortable at a private location. I feel a
public location will further give opportunity for commissioners to
become educated on this issue. Also, if it is an official presentation
or special meeting, commissioners like myself do not have to worry
about collusion issues if we all were to attend.

If it could be at a time when other concerned committees such as
Design Review and Citizen's Advisory meet this would be most
beneficial; I am especially concerned that the Common Council will not
be able to attend at its current time. I myself work outside of
Middletown and leave work at 5;30 pm and cannot attend a meeting
beginning at this time, like many other working citizens for example.
I strongly encourage this presentation to be repeated at the Mayor's &
Common Council's mandate of meetings being held after 7 pm on a
weekday in a public space for the public's benefit.

Thank you,

Molly Salafia, Assoc. AIA, LEED GA
PZ Commissioner

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