The public is invited 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday at the Fox Parish Center of
St. Francis of Assisi Church, 10 Elm St., to join in on a celebration
and kick-off for the 2012 Amazing Grace Food Pantry challenge according to Ron Krom, executive
director of St. Vincent de Paul Middletown, the agency that oversees the
food pantry on Stack Street. Soups will be made and donations of food and money to stock that pantry are being taken.
The food pantry has seen a dramatic increase in clientele with the recent recession.
photo from Middletowneye 11/2011 link here |
Every year during the Thanksgiving Seasons the Middletown Kiwanis organizes a Thanksgiving basket drivewhere with The Salvation Army, where they collected baskets that contain enough food for a meal for a needy family of four complete with 10lb turkey. In the past Kiwanis has pledged over 50 baskets it collects from area organizations.
Middletown Republican Town Committee will be pledging a basket (or more) and are collecting donations and items at the next town Committee meeting, member are encouraged to bring contributions then.
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