Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's GOP Super Tuesday! VOTE!

Today's the day for the 3,419 registered Republicans in Middletown, as 14 district voting locations will be open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. for the Presidential primary.

 Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul and Rick Santorum are the choices for Presidential GOP candidate Santorum has suspended his campaign but still appears on the ballot. 
Here is some information about polling places taken from the Middletown Republican Town Committee Website:

Congressional and Local Voting Districts for MiddletownThis link will take you to a map, created by the Republican Registrar of Voters for Middletown.
On the map, each city district, 1-14 is shown, designated by a number in a circle.  Above the number is the Voting Location.  Below the number is, respectively, the US Congressional, State Senate and State House district.
For example, if you live west of Pine Street, between Washington and Wadsworth, you are in City District 7.  You vote at Snow School.  You are in US Congressional District 3; State Senate District 9; and State House District 33.  To find your current representatives, see the Middletown City Registrar of Voters page.  When you get to the page, scroll down to the Voting Locations.

View the Map

   Links to Maps for
Congressional Districts  -  State Senate and House Districts
For a list of voting locations, go to this page: Where to Vote

1 comment:

  1. I voted at 6PM at Spencer School. I was told that at the two districts represented there were by 6PM 18 votes at one and 9 votes at the other for a combined total for the day of 27 votes. Pretty pathetic.


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