Larry Seecamp from CT - a humble highly intellectual man with a big heart passed on 7/15/18 - hours after several humorous and political conservative FB postings.
Larry and his deceased father were the gun inventors and makers of the famous Seecamp pistols in .25, .32, and .380 calibers - known as the Rolex of small handguns and used by law enforcement for duty gun backup, and the general public for easily hidden self defense. The Seecamp Company was small with only 7 employed highly skilled gunsmiths. Because of all the precision handwork involved, and high demand, Seecamp pistols were hard to get and in great demand. For years an order took about 2 years to fill. In fact one could resell the pistol after delivery for four times the purchase price. Now days a fast delivery.

Because he was so concerned about his customers having to wait for their pistol orders Larry himself only used a Seecamp reject for his personal gun. Some of us bought him one of his own guns with his dad's name as a SS# but he kept it unused in his safe because it meant a lot to him and he did not want to scratch it up. Many famous people who bought Seecamp pistols knew Larry and their photos cover the walls of the shop. His pistols are used for easily hidden self defense and have saved the lives of "many" over the years.
Several years ago Larry sold the company and now Seecamp handguns are made in Massachusetts. Larry's lifestyle was also humble - with a love for music and song. He worked mostly 7 twelve hour days, drove an old car, and got many of his clothes at used resellers. A HUGE thanks to those who have personally helped Larry these past months.
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