Sunday, June 03, 2018

Last Chance - Ends Tomorrow: 2018 Middletown Summer Youth Employment Program Applications Available

(Middletown, CT) Chairman Rick Morin of the Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce announced that applications for the 2018 Middletown Summer Youth Employment Program are now available.

Applications can be picked up at the following locations:

Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce, 393 Main Street, Middletown and

Middletown High School

Vinal Technical High School

Woodrow Wilson Middle School

Applications are due back to the chamber office by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, June 4, 2018.

Detailed information regarding eligibility is laid out in the application packet. This program is grant funded, and the number of placements is dependent on the exact level of funding. There will undoubtedly be a waiting list as interest in this program is very high.  Those accepted into the program will work for six weeks, approximately 20 hours per week, beginning on either July 9th.

All questions or concerns regarding the 2018 Middletown Summer Youth Employment Program can be directed to Lorenzo Marshall at 860-347-6924 or

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