Friday, April 06, 2018

Senator Linares, Representative Ziobron Tour Red Technologies in Portland

Red Technologies Vice President Adam Westhaver
(center left) discusses operations at the Portland
location with State Rep. Melissa Ziobron and 
State Senator Art Linares (right).
State Senator Art Linares (R-33) and Representative Melissa Ziobron (R-34) recently visited Red Technologies, LLC, to learn more about the business and its Portland location.

Headquartered in Bloomfield, Red Technologies is a remediation, engineering, and development contractor that provides services throughout New England and the Tri-State Area. It is currently working with the Connecticut Department of Transportation to expand its location in Portland.

“Red Technologies is an impressive operation and I am glad that Rep. Ziobron and I had the opportunity to tour the Portland facility,” Sen. Linares said. “This is a thriving company that is looking to grow and hire here in Connecticut. Red Technologies has the type of highly skilled, well-paying jobs that we want for Connecticut workers. We must ensure that our state laws, regulations, and economy can foster the success of businesses like this now and in the future.”

Red Technologies provides site construction and environmental remediation services to state agencies, architectural, consulting and engineering firms, as well as general contractors. It also provides services to Fortune 500™ companies, major utilities, federal, state and local government entities, and private and commercial clientele.

“Listening and learning from employers is something that all legislators should do,” Rep. Ziobron said. “I was very impressed with their operations and I’m proud that Red Technologies calls Connecticut home and employs people from my community. As legislators it’s important for us to understand the needs of smalls businesses and work towards rebuilding Connecticut’s reputation as a place to do business and hire workers.”

Red Technologies Vice President/Member Adam Westhaver said he appreciated the opportunity to show off the Portland location and its workers.

"We are proud of our facility in Portland and the work that our 40 employees do in that facility,” Westhaver said. “Showcasing that to Rep. Ziobron and Sen. Linares is our pleasure and I'm excited at their commitment to working with DOT to help us continue to grow our facility, hire more employees and continue building Red Technologies in Connecticut,"

Senator Linares represents the communities of Chester, Clinton, Colchester, Deep River, East Haddam, East Hampton, Essex, Haddam, Lyme, Old Saybrook, Portland and Westbrook.

Rep. Ziobron serves the communities of Colchester, East Haddam, and East Hampton.

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