In this MegaVote for Connecticut's 3rd Congressional District:
Recent Congressional Votes
Senate: Gibson Nomination – Confirmation
Senate: Engel Nomination – Confirmation
Senate: Wehrum Nomination – Confirmation
House: Joint Employer Definition
House: Hydropower Regulation
House: Securities Regulations Exemptions
Upcoming Congressional Bills
- Senate: Kan Nomination
- Senate: Bradbury Nomination
- Senate: Zatezalo Nomination
- House: Defense Authorization
- House: Flood Insurance
- House: Reconciliation Tax Overhaul
Recent Senate Votes |
Gibson Nomination – Confirmation - Vote Confirmed (91-7, 2 Not Voting)
 The Senate confirmed the nomination of John Gibson to be deputy chief management officer of the Defense Department.
 Sen. Christopher Murphy voted YES Sen. Richard Blumenthal voted YES
Engel Nomination – Confirmation - Vote Confirmed (51-47, 2 Not Voting)
 The Senate confirmed the nomination of Steven Engel to be an assistant Attorney General.
 Sen. Christopher Murphy voted NO Sen. Richard Blumenthal voted NO
Wehrum Nomination – Confirmation - Vote Confirmed (49-47, 4 Not Voting)
 The Senate confirmed the nomination of William Wehrum to be an assistant administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.
 Sen. Christopher Murphy voted NO Sen. Richard Blumenthal voted NO
Recent House Votes |
Joint Employer Definition - Vote Passed (242-181, 9 Not Voting)
of the bill would define a joint employer as an entity with actual,
direct and immediate control over employees, with significant control
over essential terms of employment such as hiring, determining pay and
benefits, day-to-day supervision of employees, and assigning individual
work schedules.
 Rep. Rosa DeLauro voted
Hydropower Regulation - Vote Passed (257-166, 9 Not Voting)
of the bill would specify a variety of timeframes and procedures for
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to follow in carrying out
required permitting and licensing activities for non-federal hydropower
projects and would make FERC the lead agency for coordinating all
applicable federal authorizations. It would extend, from three years to
four, the duration of a preliminary permit for proposed non-federal
hydropower projects and would allow project sponsors to initiate
construction up to 10 years after a proposed project receives a license
from FERC.
 Rep. Rosa DeLauro voted NO
Securities Regulations Exemptions - Vote Passed (232-188, 12 Not Voting)
of the bill would require an issuer of securities to meet a specific
set of criteria in order for the issuer's transactions to constitute a
sale of "nonpublic" securities that are exempt from registration with
the Securities and Exchange Commission and from state regulation. It
would require each purchaser to have a substantive pre-existing
relationship with an officer or certain shareholders of the issuer,
permit no more than 35 purchasers under the exemption over the preceding
12 months, and would cap, at $500,000, the total aggregate amount of
securities sold in the 12-month period preceding the transaction.
 Rep. Rosa DeLauro voted NO
Upcoming Votes |
Kan Nomination
- PN458
 The Senate is expected to vote on the nomination of Derek Kan to be under secretary of Transportation for policy.

Bradbury Nomination
- PN558
 The Senate is expected to vote on the nomination of Steven Bradbury to be general counsel for the Transportation Department.

Zatezalo Nomination
- PN919
Senate is expected to vote on the nomination of David Zatezalo to be
an assistant secretary of Labor for mine, safety and health.

Defense Authorization
- HR2810
measure would authorize $692.1 billion in fiscal 2018 for discretionary
defense spending within the Armed Services Committee's jurisdiction,
$74.2 billion more than the fiscal 2017 enacted authorization and $26.4
billion more than the president's overall request. It would also
authorize $7.5 billion in mandatory spending for a grand total of $699.6
billion. The discretionary total includes $65.7 billion for uncapped
OCO funding and $626.4 billion for base activities that would be subject
to the $549 billion cap on discretionary spending for fiscal 2018
defense spending set by the 2011 Budget Control Act. It would authorize
major increases for missile defense as well as billions more than
requested by the president for ships, aircraft and other weapons

Flood Insurance
- HR2874
measure, which combines seven bills reported by the Financial Services
Committee, reauthorizes the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) for
five years, through Sept. 30, 2022, and modifies the program to bolster
its solvency and to promote a private flood insurance market. It raises
annual surcharges and reserve fund assessments on federal flood
insurance policyholders; provides for increased annual premiums for
properties with subsidized premiums that experience multiple floods in
the future; terminates flood insurance if future claims exceed three
times a home's replacement value; ends the requirement that flood
insurance be purchased for commercial and multifamily properties;
requires FEMA to accept private flood insurance for mandatory coverage
requirements; requires FEMA to provide public access to its flood loss
and other data; and makes it easier for policyholders to switch between
private and NFIP policies.

Reconciliation Tax Overhaul
- HR1
bill substantially restructures the U.S. tax code to simplify the code
and reduce taxes on individuals, corporations and small businesses. For
individuals, it consolidates the current seven tax brackets down to four
and eliminates or restricts many tax credits and deductions, including
by eliminating the deduction for state and local income taxes and
limiting the deduction for property taxes to $10,000 and the interest
deduction for home mortgages to the first $500,000 worth of a loan. It
eliminates personal exemptions but nearly doubles the standard deduction
so fewer taxpayers will itemize deductions. It also raises the child
tax credit to $1,600 and for five years provides $300 per person adult
credits, while eliminating the estate tax and Alternative Minimum Tax.
On the business side, it reduces the corporate tax from 35% to 20% and
establishes a "territorial" tax system that exempts most overseas income
from U.S. taxation. It allows businesses to immediately expense 100% of
the cost of assets acquired and placed into service, and establishes a
25% rate for a portion of pass-through business income that otherwise
must be paid at the individual income rate. For small businesses where
an individual would receive less than $150,000 in pass-through income,
it taxes the first $75,000 of that income at a 9% rate. |
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