Wednesday, November 15, 2017

CCDL - Update on Proposed Ban In Southbury; Discussion tabled until tomorrow

For prior posts about this proposed gun ban in Southbury, click here.
There was a great showing of CCDL members for the November 2nd board of selectmen’s meeting. Over 700 people were in attendance, and the vast majority were Second Amendment supporters. 48 people stood up and spoke against a firearm ban and only 13 people spoke in favor of such an ordinance.
After a presentation by Southbury’s Resident State Trooper at the meeting, the trooper requested that the Board of Selectmen revisit and clarify two existing town firearm ordinances (one for town parks and one for town open spaces) to determine if these also ban permit holders or does a permit meet the “except by special permit” clause in the ordinances. Southbury Selectman George Bertram has said in an email, that he will also work to rescind both local ordinances that currently restrict legal firearms in Southbury. He doesn’t believe that Southbury should be in the business of adding restrictions to the legal carry of firearms. He said, “CT has enough (restrictions) already, in my humble opinion.”
The board of selectmen ran out of meeting time because they only had the use of the high school until 11PM. They had to table their discussion about the firearms ordinance until the November 16th meeting. Their next meeting will most likely again be at Pomperaug High School, 234 Judd Rd, Southbury, CT at 7PM in the auditorium. They will most likely not take any more public comments at the next meeting, but will vote on whether or not to continue to explore a firearms ban on town property, in town buildings and at town events. With this proposal coming from the Southbury Democratic Town Committee and with the Republicans still holding the majority of the seats on the board after the elections, it is unlikely that this will move forward.
CCDL will of course continue to monitor the situation, and alert our members and supporters if further action is required.

More news from CCDL follows . . .

CCDL Legislator of the Year
The Executive Board proudly selects Melissa Ziobron as the CCDL Legislator of the Year for 2017. Read More:

Middletown Pistol Permit Update
For several years, the city of Middletown had a systemic problem with issuing pistol permits within the statutory time frame of eight weeks. CCDL is pleased to report that we have worked to help resolve that issue (read more).
Southbury Ordinance Proposal
The Southbury Democratic Town Committee (SDTC) has requested that the Board of Selectmen consider an ordinance to prohibit firearms on all town property. Ultimately, making these places “Gun Free Zones”. On Thursday (November 2nd) CCDL and other gun rights supporters ‘spoke out’ and attended a hearing with approximately 700 people at Pomeraug High School in Southbury, CT. Our side outnumbered the anti-gun side 48 to 13. Now we are awaiting the next Board of Selectmen meeting for a determination on whether an ordinance that would ban firearms in public places will be pursued. (Read More)
CCDL Pocket Knives
CCDL is still taking pre-orders on a special, limited run of pocket knives with the CCDL logo on them. (Read More)

CCDL Knives Photo

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