Wednesday, October 25, 2017

BREAKING: CCDL Works with Middletown PD to Achieve Civil Rights Victory

Middletown Permit Application Update

Since our founding in 2009, CCDL has been working to resolve various pistol permit issues in many cities and towns. Some of the issues pertain to issuing time frames or procedures that violate what is required or mandated by state statute.

On May 30th, CCDL filed a FOIA request with the Middletown Police to review their issuance time frame for temporary permits. Once the information was received and reviewed, CCDL determined that most of the applications exceeded the 8-week statutory time frame. This had been an ongoing problem that plagued residents of Middletown simply seeking approval for permits to carry.

Photo from 2014 CCDL Rally
Eventually, with the help of a CCDL resident of Middletown, a city councilor facilitated communications between Police Chief William McKenna and CCDL President Scott Wilson.

Because of the positive dialogue between the two, and the background efforts of the Police Chief, Middletown is adding additional resources and revamping its process to issue permits within the eight-week time frame. It was important to listen to the Chief’s concerns and the challenges that he has faced, and to also explain that CCDL is not out to create unnecessary headaches for his department.

CCDL wishes to thank Chief William McKenna for looking deep into this matter and resolving it. Special thanks to CCDL member Kevin Kelly and City Councilor Deb Kieckowski for their help.

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