Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Run for the Fallen - Saturday, September 16th

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Run for the Fallen CT is dedicated to honoring Connecticut’s fallen heroes through public events and community outreach. It also serves as a larger reflection of all United States service men and women killed in all conflicts to ensure our heroes are never forgotten.

The annual memorial run is an apolitical remembrance gathering in support of the families, friends, and comrades of service members killed in Operations Iraqi and Enduring Freedom and other post-9/11 conflicts.

This is a FREE EVENT and is open to the public.

The first lap kicks off a 6AM and each subsequent lap will start at the top of each hour. For more information, please see our website,

Gold Star Families:

Attention Runners! Here's our running route for this years event! Each lap will begin on the hour, starting at 6am.

You can find the lap schedule and additional information on our website:

If you have registered online, you should be able to confirm which lap you have signed up for by logging into your Eventbrite account (if you created one).

As always, we will be accepting walk-ins! See you next Saturday!!!
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Remembering Connecticut's Fallen - Jordan Pierson
You can #honor this Connecticut hero on September 16, 2017. Visit for more information. #WeRemember
Profiles of those Fallen can be seen here.

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