Sunday, July 16, 2017

Jazz: United we Stand!

"Hot Ribs and Cool Jazz" - Columbus Ohio Jazz and Rib Fest
When you wake up with the visuals and the music from the day before playing in your head, you know it has been a memorable experience! And that is what the Greater Hartford Festival of Jazz is; a memorable event!  And it isn't over, yet!

When I return home, I'll share this with you, one performer at a time on the Insider, featuring photos, videos and bios for each artist.

One group, Fo/Mo/Deep, is from Columbus Ohio. Being a Buckeye native, I made a point to go back stage and meet them. They will be playing next Friday, the 21st in Columbus at the Jazz and Rib Fest. Another great jazz event to look forward to!

Columbus' own Fo/Mo/Deep Jazz Band

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