Thursday, April 20, 2017

Oath Keepers - Fresno State Would Not Hesitate to Dismiss 'Hate Professor' Were He Conservative

By David Codrea
Who thinks Fresno State President Castro would be in a quandary over what to do had his wayward professor been a conservative spewing calls for execution and hatred against Hillary Clinton, Democrats, blacks and Muslims? (Facebookphoto)

"To save American democracy, Trump must hang," Fresno State University Professor Lars Maischak wrote on his Twitter account, Fox News and others report. "The sooner and the higher, the better."

I'd originally planned on linking directly to that account, but for reasons that appear to include trying to avoid repercussions, the account has been deactivated . Fortunately, others on Twitter learning of the guy's apparent inability to act like a sane person on social media were quick to document his lunatic outburst with screenshots to prove he'd made them. They included such predictable gems as:

"What ELSE - beyond Ghoulsuch - will it take for #Liberals to realize the #Constitution is rotten & does not merit their slavish affection?"
"Don't tell me to 'obey the Law.' 'The Law' in this country is one part Racism, one part Class Oppression, all Capitalism. #TheResistance"
Having dispensed with the Constitution and with private property, Maischak showed his end game for patriotic Americans who believe in national sovereignty:

And what happens if we "do not go gentle into that good night"?
So he also intends to ban and execute political opponents. That presupposes there will be plenty of non-Oath Keepers willing to arrest and try and execute these Republicans, and that they'll be able to get away with it.  In other words, he is advocating for totalitarianism and genocide, and by default the "monopoly of violence" needed to carry out such evil.
What is it about commies that they always seem to end up there?

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