Brian Bulluss is my friend. No, he's my brother.
Among all other blood relatives, he is who I am closest to. Brian's
never had much, but he's the first to give you the shirt off his back,
and in many times, literally, has. But now, Brian is in need of help,
and I'm asking all of you, to donate a few dollars here or there, and we
can reach this goal!
Brian has been unemployed for the past few months
but starts work this week. But in the meantime, the taxes have mounted
on his house, his child support went unpaid, as did the utility bills,
and he just needs to catch up! A lot of us have been in this exact spot.
We know what it feels like. Like the world is crashing in upon us!
Please help my brother. A few dollars at a time, I know we can do this.
Brian has helped thousands of drug addicts throughout his life get
clean, and find recovery. He's never asked for a cent. He won't ask for a
cent now. He'd rather face eviction, and the power being shut off, and
walking to work from New Britain to Cheshire each day. That's the kinda
guy he is. SO, I'M ASKING! Help my brother. Please!
Help spread the word!
Brian Clark, Insider contributor
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