Monday, March 13, 2017

Week 7: Putting America First

Make America Great AgainPresident Trump spent his week putting America First.

He’s fighting to keep Americans safe. He’s fighting to repeal and replace Obamacare. And he’s fighting for more – and better – jobs for the American people!

Today, the Labor Department released the February jobs report that showed President Trump’s first month in office added 235,000 more jobs and the unemployment rate dropped to 4.7 percent!

And it didn’t stop there, because Exxon Mobil has also announced a $20 BILLION dollar investment program that will bring thousands of jobs to the Gulf Coast region.

Learn more about the President’s week and how our movement continues below, in this week’s update.
Make America Great Again

Becoming A Symbol Of Our Movement

In 2016, President Trump said he would Make America Great Again. Watch the inspiring story of the hundreds of American workers who manufactured the hats that became a symbol for our movement. We are proud to have a President whose jobs agenda is guided by the principles to buy American and hire American! Watch the video by clicking here.

Make America Great Again
Making America Safe Again

President Trump has signed a new executive order that will protect our nation from foreign terrorist entry and keep America safe. President Trump is dedicated to serve, protect, and defend the citizens of the United States. Part of that includes protecting our Nation from Radical Islamic Terrorism. President Trump is making our communities safer for everyone. He wants all Americans to succeed –- but that can't happen in an environment of lawless chaos.
Make America Great Again

Obamacare Replacement Bill

Republicans in the House unveiled the American Health Care Act to help repeal and replace Obamacare. President Trump understands the time for action is now. Obamacare, the President noted, is collapsing. Insurers continue to flee the exchanges while premiums and deductibles skyrocket. It’s time to deliver on Republicans’ long-standing promise to repeal the disastrous law and replace it with a system that adheres to principles he outlined in his recent address to a joint session of Congress. To read about the bill and what it means for you – click here.
Make America Great Again

Boosting Job Growth

In addition to the great jobs report that came out after the President’s first month in office, Exxon Mobil made another huge announcement. President Trump congratulated the Exxon Mobil Corporation on its ambitious $20 billion investment program that is creating more than 45,000 construction and manufacturing jobs in the United States Gulf Coast region. “This is exactly the kind of investment, economic development and job creation that will help put Americans back to work,” the President said.

There is a lot of work ahead of the President and thanks to supporters like you we have a strong movement to support him as he continues to Make America Great Again!

We're in this together and we can't thank you enough for your continued support.

Team Trump-Pence

P.S. Get your own Make America Great Again hat that became a symbol for our campaign today by clicking here.
Paid for by Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

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