Thursday, March 23, 2017

Oath Keepers - Gun Hypocrite Snoop Dogg's 'Clown Trump' Assassination ...

Noted gun owner control advocate and prohibited person Snoop Dogg displays his respect for Constitutional government and rule of law. [BadBadNotGood YouTube screen capture]

... Exemplifies Toxic Cultural Pollution

by David Codrea

"Snoop Dogg's new video features mock assassination of a 'clown' Donald Trump," Newsweek and just about every other news outlet are reporting (many approvingly, as if they wouldn't have demanded heads had Hillary been so treated). "Set in an alternative reality in the United States where the country is inhabited by clowns, it shows a clown Trump parody named Ronald Klump appearing on television to announce the deportation of all 'doggs.'"

That, of course, is a total misrepresentation of the president's plan to protect the borders, vet those who come into this country, and evict foreign criminals. Those were goals that resulted in Trump's election over Hillary Clinton, who instead wanted to create a Democrat "pathway to citizenship" windfall, with resulting overwhelming control of the legislatures and the courts.
Naturally, those who believe a prime directive of limited Constitutional government is "to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity" are portrayed as being motivated by hate - a tactic straight out of the SPLC playbook. And unsurprisingly, it's Sniff Dogg & Co. who prove to be the real haters, not to mention hypocrites.

I'll link to his new "rap video" here if you really want to see it, but won't embed it because it's not only unsafe for work, it's unsafe for decent company (not to mention it's vulgar crap designed to do nothing so much as gin up hostility among the ignorant). And here are the lyrics, just in case you missed his call to "spray" the police along with Snoop's demand for "reparations."

But don't worry - it's not like Dogg will personally get caught up in the violence his advocacy and imagery seems to be begging for: There's no shortage of people frustrated with their own inadequacies who blame everything but their own  choices for their lot in life, and who view his as a voice to heed. They're just looking for an excuse to help life imitate "art."

To read more, or make a comment on this post, GO HERE

.If you believe in the mission of Oath Keepers, to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, please consider making a donation to support our work.   You can donate HERE.


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Oath Keepers, 5130 S. Fort Apache Rd. , Ste. 215, Las Vegas, NV 89148

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