Russell Library 123 Broad St., Middletown, CT
All programs are free and open to all.
Thank you to The Friends for their continued support!
Visit with
Pete the Cat!
Saturday, February 4
Activity Room
It's "Take your Child to the Library Day!" Pete the Cat will be here to help us celebrate with stories and a craft. Drop-in.
5,000 Years of Chinese Civilization
Sunday, February 5
Hubbard Room
A presentation of traditional Chinese culture by the Connecticut Chinese Culture Association. This program will include a slide and video presentation as well as a short Chinese dance workshop; all ages; drop-in.
Letter from Italy
A New American Oratorio
Film screening:
Thursday, February 9
Hubbard Room
Produced by Karyl Evans, and narrated
by Meryl Streep, an award winning one-hour documentary of how two
sisters collaborated with the Greater Middletown Chorale to tell the story of a WWII medic (their father), his return from war and the effects of PTSD on him and his young family.
Survivor's Swing Band
Sunday, February 12
Hubbard Room
seven piece ensemble will play classic melodies from the Swing Era for
concert goers' listening -- and dancing - pleasure! Families are
Free; drop-in.
Father Brown: The Detective
Tuesday, February 14
Hubbard Room
Film screening:The Detective (1954) starring Alec Guiness as Father Brown, amateur detective, on the case of a stolen work of art.
Run time: 1 hour 31 minutes. Rated G. Drop-in.
(Mystery readers, Father Brown fans: book discussion on February 28 . . .)
Russell Readers
Tuesday, Febuary 14
Meeting Room 2
The Cracked Looking-Glass by Katherine Anne Porter, from
100 Years of the Best American Short Stories.
For more information, email:
Bending Gravity! Circus Fun!
Tuesday, February 21
Hubbard Room
Eric Girardi, juggler, top spinner, diabolo'ist,
stilt-walker and yo-yo player, presents a mesmerizing performance of circus skills choreographed to music.
Free; all ages; drop-in; sponsored by The Friends.
Living Large
in 18th century Middletown
Tuesday, February 22
Hubbard Room
In the fourth installment of the 'Vanished Port" speakers' series presented by the Middlesex County Historical Society, Bill Hosley will discuss 18th century Middletown architecture with an emphasis on the Judge Seth Wetmore
House, which began on a sobering note: the foundation was dug by three
enslaved workers. Presented by MCHS, in conjunction with their recently
opened exhibit, A Vanished Port: Middletown and the Caribbean, 1750-1824.
Saturday, February 25
11am - 12pm
Hubbard Room
With instructor Jeff Hush. No prior experience, or mats, necessary; free.
Classic Mystery Novel Discussion:
The Blue Cross
Tuesday, February 28
Hubbard Room
12noon and 6:30pm
The short story The Blue Cross from the collection
The Innocence of Father Brown by G.K. Chesterton(1910).
For further info: 860-347-2520 or
Computer Classes
Intro to Social Media
Tuesday, February 14
10:30am - 12pm
Intro to PowerPoint 2013
Tuesday, February 21
2 - 3:30pm
Basic Excel 2013
Tuesday, February 28
2 - 3:30pm
All classes are held in Meeting Room 3.
One-on-one instruction is available by appointment: 860-347-2520.
Story Times for Young Children
These programs are drop-in, no registration:
Baby Rhyme Time
- Thursdays at 10:30am
- Wednesdays at 1:30pm
Wonderful Ones - Mondays at 10:30am
Time for Twos - Tuesdays at 10:30am
Preschool Power - Thursdays at 1:30pm
see: Calendar for dates
Reading Buddies
Monday, February 13
4:30 - 5:30 pm
Activity Room
Members of the Teen Advisory Council read one-on-one with children
Twos Rock!
Tuesday, February 14
Hubbard Room
Wear comfy clothing and be ready to move and groove! Music, dance and a story for two year olds and their caregivers. Drop-in.
STEM Buddies
Monday, February 27
Activity Room
Science fun for Grades 2-5 with members of the Teen Advisory Council.
Please register: 860-344-8479
Russell Library Job Group
Thursdays at 10 am
February 2, 9, 16 and 23
Hubbard Room
Russell Library presents weekly opportunities to network with other job seekers, as well as receive the advice of professionals. Topics and presenters will vary from week to week. Call 860-347-2528, ext. 121 for further information.
Where to Find Jobs in 2017
Tuesday, February 14
Hubbard Room
6 - 8pm
- with Dr. Marcia LaReau
Registration is suggested: 860-347-2520
Sponsored by The Russell Library Job and Career Group
and the Family of Thomas J. Regan
Free Resume Reviewing
The Library offers confidential resume critiquing and in-depth interview coaching appointments several times each month with certified resume writers.
Call (860) 347-2520 to sign up for a 60 minute appointment.
services are funded by generous support from a Community Development
Block Grant from the City of Middletown and the Friends of the
Russell Library.
Career Coaching
Associate Director of the Wesleyan Career Center,
James Kubat, gives
private, confidential career coaching through appointments at Russell
Library. Please bring a resume (if you have one) to the appointment.
Call the Information Desk to register: 860-347-2520.
Practice Job Interviews
Improve your interviewing skills and get the job you want. Bob Carlson will assist you by conducting and evaluating your practice interview, either by phone
or at Russell Library.
Videotaping the session is optional and confidential. Please call (860) 347-2520 for more information and to sign up for a 60 minute session.
Sacred Circles:
Mandalas for the Soul
- by Rose Amodeo Petronella
are circle designs found in spiritual traditions around the world.
They represent health and wholeness of body, mind and spirit. Rose's
mandalas began as a spiritual healing exercise and evolved into a form of prayer; she will present a workshop here on March 31, the last day of the exhibit.
An Artist's Reception will take place in the Information Services area on Sunday, February 26 from 2 - 4pm.
Antique Valentine's Day Cards
Russell Library
123 Broad Street
Middletown, Connecticut 06457
Monday and Friday 10am - 6pm
Tuesday and Thursday 10am - 8pm
Wednesday 1 - 8pm
Saturday (year round) 10am - 2pm
Sunday (October - March) 1 - 4pm
Holiday closings:
February 19 and 20 for President's Day
Russell Library has great databases, e-books and
digital magazines that you can access anywhere, anytime!
Connect to Your Library!
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