Sunday, February 26, 2017

Poker Shoot Reminder! 28 Feb

Thank you for Volunteering: Ryan Beaulieu, Joseph Milardo, Thomas Clayton.

Volunteers needed for:  Poker shoot from 6:45 pm until? 
Date: 2/28/2017

For more information and the address, contact Ray, below.

Two people needed to do sign-in, collect the donation and add the scores.

1)__ Joseph Milardo____________________

2)___ Thomas Clayton ________________

One person needed to be the Range Officer
(NRA instructor, would be nice but not mandatory)

Two people needed to do set-up

1)___Ray Beaulieu___________

2)___Ryan Beaulieu_______________________
One person needed to start the fire if needed

1)____ Thomas Clayton____________

Your Friend
Ray Beaulieu

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