Saturday, December 03, 2016

Nadine's Move to Change - Boxes, Bubble Wrap and Packing, Packing, Packing


Wow, it’s been awhile since I’ve written to this blog, and I very much appreciate all of you who have stuck it out with my posting black out.  This moving stuff is a LOT of work!  The day Marilyn, my real estate agent, told me she was definitely coming over with papers for me to sign, I started pulling from my stash of boxes in the basement and was packing before she even got there.  I knew this could take a bit of time and I sure did not want to leave it until the last minute.  As usual, my desire to avoid stress is paramount, and I decided that the earlier I could start, the better.  What I discovered is that I must be the world’s slowest packer.  My friends were either at work, running businesses, in physical therapy for extreme pain or otherwise engaged.  So I was on my own for the most part.  And yeah – I….am…..s-l-o-w.

What used to be my dining room became box-packing ground zero.  During the course of the following weeks (yes, weeks….), I bought LOTS of tape and bubble wrap, made appeals on Facebook for boxes and newspapers and packed a lot of boxes.  The ZZZWWWIPPPP!! sound of the tape gun could be heard coming from my house at all hours for days on end.  My friend Paulette came a couple of days and brought massive amounts of boxes with her in addition to helping me.  She was a HUGE help!

img_20160927_120743921But still, it seemed to go on and on and on and one day, the inevitable melt-down reared its ugly head.  By this time, Paulette had done her snow bird thing and was out of the state.  Karen and Jo were working at running their businesses, and Barb and Beth were busy trying to move out of their current residences.  So there I was, feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, lonely and pathetic and…… did I say exhausted?  AND singing the old “Nobody loves me, everybody hates me, I guess I’ll go eat worms” blues.  I was completely immersed in my pity-party to the point of watershed tears and it was at that point of course, that I called Karen.  I shamelessly begged her to please come over and promised that she didn’t have to pack.  Just plllleeeeeaaase come over and talk to me!

And much to her credit, my dear friend knew just what I needed.  After all these years, Karen knows me like a book.  She knows that when I get involved in a project, I don’t bother to stop to eat, which probably had something to do with my melt-down.


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