Thursday, November 03, 2016

Pistone Vs. Clay - Candidates forCongress Vying to Make History

Two Congressional Candidates for U.S. Congress Vying to Make History.

Republican Establishment Insider Clay Cope tries to be the first openly gay candidate to win the 5th Congressional District of Connecticut. John Pistone Republican Conservative candidate fights to be the first write-in candidate to win the 5th Congressional District.

Mr. Cope a Connecticut Establishment political pick and insider, is at odds with the National Republican Party Platform, which could change the political dynamic. For example Mr. Cope is in support of letting in refugees to Connecticut, does not support building a wall to prevent illegal immigration to the United States from Mexico, supports same-sex marriages, and is pro-choice. Although I commend Mr. Cope for having the courage to be open about his sexual orientation, his platform clearly does not represent the conservative platform of the Republican Party or of the voters who hold these values sacred. Therefore, I feel I speak on behalf of all Conservative Republicans when I say; I am bewildered that he has received the endorsement of many in the Connecticut Republican establishment.

I on the other hand do not support allowing refugees into Connecticut or our Country and placing our security at risk, I do support building a wall to prevent illegal immigration and the many ills that it has caused our nation, I am an adamant supporter of traditional marriage, and I believe strongly that life begins at conception therefore being unapologetically pro-life. Additionally, I am committed to protecting our religious freedoms. Even though it seems as though our party’s power brokers have forgotten these true conservative values, I remain steadfast in upholding them and fighting for every voter who holds these values dear. Clearly, I am the only true Conservative Republican Candidate running for the 5th District.

On November 8th, Connecticut has the opportunity to make history. Let’s do it together by filling in the oval and writing Pistone, making me the first write in candidate to ever win the 5th District. Please visit my website,  You’re not alone when you vote Pistone.

No money was paid for this post.

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