Thursday, September 01, 2016

I Have Enemies

As Churchill famously said, "You have enemies?  Good.  That means you have stood up for something, sometime in your life."

Well, well, well; it would seem I have enemies.  This afternoon, I received a letter from Damon Braasch, city tax assessor, stating that his office believes the Middletown Insider to be in possession of taxable personal property located in Middletown.

I emailed back asking why his office would believe that.

He has not yet had time to respond, but I'm guessing that someone made an anonymous, or maybe a not-so-anonymous "tip" to his office.  If that is the case, he would be obligated to look into it.

I'm curious to hear his response.

Of course, the idea that the Insider is in possession of taxable personal property is absurd.  The Insider is not a business.  It generates no revenue.  It has no assets.  It has no bank accounts.  It is not an entity, much less a taxable one.
My guess is that my neighbors from Hell, Bernice Rosa #BerniceRosa and Marcus Keilch #MarcusKeilch, owner of Marcus Anthony Construction #MarcusAnthonyConstruction, are behind this as a form of harassment; they've started waiving and blowing the horn at me, again recently.  (Just enter "Bernice" in the search field if you want to see what else has gone on.)

So why after all this time, would they pick up and start harassing me, again?  Maybe it's because someone heard their roosters crowing (yes, roosters), from Dorothy Drive, and made an anonymous complaint to the health department and they were forced to remove them.  Maybe they think it was me who complained.  (How would I know about that?  This isn't called the Middletown Insider for nothing.)

Or, it could be because a few weeks ago, I found a dog with no collar on it, in my yard.  I was concerned for the dog's safety (I live on a busy street) and was able to coax the dog into my house.  I called the police department and reported it.  A half hour later, Office Waugh came and picked up the dog.  I later learned the dog belonged to Keilch and Rosa.  Maybe they didn't like the fact that they had to go pick up the dog from the pound.

It's not as if they didn't know having roosters in town was illegal.  They've had chickens, before.  They brought them here when they moved from East Hampton, over two years ago, minus the roosters.  What ever became of them, (and the ducks and geese) who knows.  But they were using the old coop to keep their dogs last winter; they could be seen through the trees, after the leaves fell.

Just to give you an idea as to what kind of people I've had to deal with; Bernice's son found a bag of marijuana in an outbuilding on their property and he brought it to his mother's attention.  She blamed it on me.  Seriously, why would someone keep marijuana on someone else's property?  And what kind of person would blame that on a neighbor?  And what kind of people would be foolish enough to continue attacking someone who is a member of the media, with a national and international audience?

This may prove interesting.

The email:

Declaration of personal property
Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 14:41
To Whom It May Concern:

This office believes the Middletown Insider to be in possession of taxable personal property located within the city of Middletown.  In accordance with §12-41 “The annual declaration of the tangible
personal property owned by such person on the assessment date, shall include, but is not limited to, the following property: Machinery used in mills and factories, cables, wires, poles, underground mains, conduits, pipes and other fixtures of water, gas, electric and heating companies, leasehold improvements classified as other than real property and furniture and fixtures of stores, offices, hotels, restaurants, taverns, halls, factories and manufacturers. Commercial or financial information in any declaration filed under this section shall not be open for public inspection but may be disclosed to municipal officers for tax collection purposes.”

You are required to submit the declaration of personal property with this office by November 1, 2016, or be subject to penalty assessment equal to 25% of the assessed value for personal property as reported or as estimated by the assessor in accordance with §12-42.

Additional information and blank Declarations can be found at the City of Middletown’s website:

Please feel free to contact me directly should you have any questions.

Thank you,

Damon Braasch, CCMA II Assessor, City of Middletown 245 deKoven Dr. Middletown, CT 06457 Tel: (860) 638-4930 Fax: (860) 638-1935


  1. What exactly have you stood up for? You sound like a petty bully who slanders your neighbors.

  2. "You can't just go around slandering people" Remember that the next time you make a false statement and seek a restraining order.

    to see the false statement, go to this post and scroll down the page about 2/3s of the way.

  3. If I was your neighbors I would sue you for slandering them and there son. You sound like a horrible neighbor and glad your not mine cause I would sue you for slander

  4. You are my neighbor. You tried to sue me once before and it failed. Try again.

    1. You think every comment is your neighbor. You think a letter from the assessor is because of her too.
      Youre obsessed with her. I highly doubt the feeling is mutual.
      I am not her. But you won't believe that. You want it to be her. You need to think that to feel validated.
      With all due respect, you should consider seeking professional help.

  5. whats the son got to do with it

  6. I call BULLSHIT on everything you said here!
    So you know about their chickens, ducks and geese. You know what town they lived in before and you can SEE their coop and claim that they kept their dogs in it... but you didn't know that dog in your yard was theirs? And you expect people to believe that? You expect people to see you as some sort of victim? Are you sure that you aren't the neighbor from hell??
    What in God's name is wrong with you taking someone's dog?? That is so shady and you have revealed yourself for what you truly are.


Authors of comments and posts are solely responsible for their statements. Please email for questions or concerns. This blog, (and any site using the blogger platform), does not and cannot track the source of comments. While opinions and criticism are fine, they are subject to moderator discretion; slander and vile attacks of individuals will not to be tolerated. Middletown Insider retains the right to deny any post or comment without explanation.

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