Saturday, July 23, 2016

Is CT Speeding Toward a New Mileage Tax?

State Senator Tony Hwang

I am strongly opposed to a new CT Mileage Tax. Are you?

Please read the following article and contact me at .

I continue to fight for more transparency, more predictability, and better prioritization when it comes to the spending of our precious and scarce tax dollars.

We must be able to have trust in where our Connecticut tax dollars are going.

CT Post - State to spend $300,000 on mileage tax study

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From the CT Post:  “Any such proposal would be dead on arrival and would never be brought up for a vote in the Senate, as Sen. Fasano well knows,” said Adam Joseph, a spokesman for the Democratic Senate majority.

“Democrats in the Senate are strongly opposed to any mileage tax,” Joseph said. “Sen. Fasano’s fake hysteria is nothing more than another lame attempt by the Republicans to frighten Connecticut residents.”

Oh, really?  Democrats are strongly opposed to a mileage tax?  Then why are they spending the money to study it?  Liars!  I'll provide the tar . . .   Editor

The 28th District

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