You are only free when you agree
Dear People of Oxford,
I want you to know of the anti-freedom behavior that is attacking our beloved town. There are those on the left that are tolerant only when we agree with them.
It has come to my attention that businesses displaying Trump signs are being vilified and threatened with boycott if the signs don't come down. Regardless of whether or not we agree with a political view, to attack our first amendment right is unacceptable. If anyone knows of vendors this has been happening to, please share that information with others so our FREE community can stand in solidarity with them and support the right to free speech irrespective of political affiliation. Let's make our defense of freedom heard by patronizing these businesses. This Stalinist behavior cannot stand in America.
We have been seeing this happen in other communities. To see it happen in this, our close-knit suburban town just demonstrates the anger and intolerance of the very people who claim to embrace diversity.
The "tolerance" embraced by the left is merely another form of intolerance. Their cries for "diversity" exist only on a superficial level; i.e. skin color and ethnicity. There is no tolerance for diversity of thought or belief. The left wish to impose their form of homogeneous thinking on everyone and those who disagree are vilified. Editor
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