On Saturday, July 15th, The Middletown Insider will be joining in the "Dead Silent Protest". Other than what has already been scheduled to post, the Insider will be absent from the internet for the entire day. In fact, I'll go one step further and keep the TV and radio off for the day, as well. I ask that you join in. Enjoy the peace and quiet! Details, below.
Dead Silent Protest
On Saturday, July 16, we will be Dead Silent on social media including Facebook, Twitter, SnapChat, Instagram and all other outlets.
This is a 24 hour Dead Silent Protest against division, hatred, racism, violence, and vengeance in our nation, and the rampant negativity promoted via social media.
It is one day to publicly declare that we will stand in unity, praying for our nation and its leaders, promoting peace, compassion, respect and dignity for all people.
It is essential for participants to understand that this event was birthed from my frustration over the events in Baton Rouge, Minnesota, and Dallas. The event is NOT affiliated with any other group or event.
We are not anti-police or pro ANY one group of people. We are FOR unity of ALL people
Do not post memes, statuses or comments that do not reflect the heart of this protest which is to pray for unity, compassion, respect, and peace with all people and fight against hate, racism in any direction, vengeance and violence.
Any post not reflecting the heart of the #DeadSilentProtest will be deleted.
The more who engage in this Dead Silent Protest, the louder we will be. Please join us and promote this protest by sharing on your wall and tag:
#DeadSilentProtest #United #OneNationUnderGod
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