Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Incident on Rt. 9 in Middletown - With video

Last night, Monday, May 23rd, at approx 6:50, while parked in front of city hall ahead of the monthly RTC meeting, I noticed a trooper with his lights on and saw a male running in the grass along the side of the road directly across from the boathouse at Harbor Park.

The trooper stopped the man and patted him down.  The trooper was joined moments later by three Middletown police officers who questioned the man.  I was able to get a few photos and a short video, before running out of space on the card, and since the meeting was about to start, was not able to continue to observe the situation unfold.


  1. I'm not one to point the finger at anyone so I really shouldn't say this but it bothers me so I'm saying it anyways. They found a body floating in the river today and I sure hope it's coincidental that he was seen wandering in that area.

  2. It probably is coincidental. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


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