Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Middletown Straw Poll Results - Trump edges out Sanders by 4 Points

CT Trees of Honor Memorial
On Sunday, January 31, Camp's Restaurant hosted a bi-partisan straw poll for the purpose of raising funds to benefit CT Trees of Honor Memorial, construction of which has yet to be completed.

While turnout was a bit disappointing with only 53 ballots cast, the event was nevertheless a success insofar as it did raise money for a good cause, it brought attention to a new business in downtown Middletown, and for me, it was like attending a family reunion.   I got to see people I haven't seen in a while and meet people I'd only corresponded with in the past.

Final results for this year's Middletown Straw Poll are:

Percent of attendees from outside of Middletown: >50% (as in 2008)
Ballots needed to conclude winner: 2 (as... in 2008)
Candidates receiving more than 50% on either ballot: 0 (as in 2008)

Joe Visconti for Team Trump come together with
the Sanders camp for a good cause.
Percentages (rounded to nearest whole number) of each ballot:

First ballot:
Kasich 2%
Martucci 2%
Paul 2%
Rubio 2%
Cruz: 6%
Clinton: 7%
Sanders: 39%
Trump: 41%

Second ballot:
Sanders: 44%
Trump: 48%
None of the above: 8%
Upstairs rear at Camp's
A special thanks to Jenifer Lee, National Deputy Finance Director for the Rick Santorum campaign, who helped get the word out about the fundraiser and sent us a video from Rick.  Due to technical difficulties, we were not able to play the video at the event, but here is a link to it:  https://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/knuo2p
Debbie Catuccio chats with a young Trump supporter.

Mal McGough and Trees of Honor founder Sue Martuccio

Camp's fabulous wait staff.

This photo on the left for a reason! :)

Middletown's Poet Laureate, Susan Allison.

Gypsy-swing band, Chat Noir entertain guests.

Chat Noir and Susan Allison.

Left to Right Atty. Joe Milardo, RTC, Linda Szynkowicz, RTC
and Board of Ed, Vin Szynkowicz, RTC and P&Z Commission.

Ebony from Green Dahlia Florists, 326 S. Main St.,
 selling flowers to benefit Trees of Honor.

Former Sec. of the State, Susan Bysiewicz with event
organizer John Kilian's daughter.

Former Sec. of the State Bysiewicz with Emcee and
 Middletown Press Editor Cassandra Day.

Sanders supporter Ed Warner with Trees
founder Sue Martuccio.

Insider contributor Fred Carroll with Ebony
and event organizer, John Kilian.

Mona Starwhisky with Deb Catuccio and husband Andrew.

Town Clerk Linda Bettencourt on the left; on the right is
a lady from ConPirg, who's name I forgot.

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