Sunday, October 27, 2013

More Luxenburg: Point out the wrong doing of one, they all take offense

We got a message on facebook from Aldon Hynes on facebook that our article was inaccurate. We did a little research and come to find out Hynes is a Media Manager at the Community Health Center and former campaign manager for Ned Lamont, a Democratic Congressional Candidate. On the CHC website, it also said Hynes worked at  Democratic National conventions as well as received the nomination from the Connecticut Democratic State party to run for state representative....

Hmm.. Community Health sure likes having Democrats in politics on their payroll.... Mayor Michael Rohdes of an the "alleged" connection to Chris Donovan... hmm

Does the CHC hire non- progressive liberals? This feels like discrimination of a minority group. They need to make sure they hire a few conservatives to balance things out right?

We were a little harsh with out comeback, we know, but seriously guys stop posting truthful articles about Luxenburg & liberal democrats who do bad!
Middletown Registrars two years ago is a sore subject from the naughty comments we go! Hmm makes ya wonder!

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  • Aldon Hynes Actually, based on the comments I read, as well as the other articles I've read on the subject, what is a sore subject is sloppy writing and inaccurate headlines. 
    I hope all bloggers and writers here in Connecticut challenge sloppy writing.
  • Middle Town Sorry Aldon Hynes we don't make a 6 figure  salary at a non profit company off the backs of government subsities and poor people to afford an edumacation of your standards. Thanks for reading! BTW the Courant is reporting that Luxenburg is accused of harassing both the registrars and elderly voters so our headline is correct! Thanks for your apology in advance. No surprise you work at the Donovan Community Health Center.


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