Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Letter to the Editor: Comments Regarding: Zones within walking distance of schools

Letter to the Editor: Below is a letter to the editor from resident and mayoral candidate John Killian. All letters to the editor are published as a courtesy and not necessarily views shared by the Insider staff. 

John Kilian, Mayoral Candidate
I would like to see what candidates in the primary think about this proposal, it has been submitted for consideration at the next PZ Meeting
John Kilian
Mayoral Candidate Realistic Balance

------------Forwarded message------------
Date: Sep 3, 2013 03:00:03 PM
Subject: Contact Form: Question or Comment from John Kilian

City of Middletown
Department of Planning, Conservation and Development
Website Reporting Form ResultsThe following complaint was submitted through the PDC website and sent to the appropriate staff person in the Department:
------------------------------------------------Committee: Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting Date: 9/25/2013
Comments Regarding: Zones within walking distance of schools
Comments for the record:
For years now, we have protected our children from addictive substances by prescribing additional punishment to those who sell their deleterious products within a fairly wide radius of the schools where we try to teach our children. The time has come to apply the same approach to the fast food industry, which similarly cultivates addiction in our young people as part of degenerate business plans that are as successful as they are pernicious.

The establishment of zones within walking distance of our schools, such as a mile from center mass of a public school, would allow our Common Council to establish the premium fees industries that prey on our children shall pay in exchange for easy access to our children.
Contact information about the person making the above comments:
John Kilian
210 Ridge Road
Middletown CT 06457
Tel: (860)918-1903 Fax:

1 comment:

  1. As huge corporations to pay a fee and get "easy access" to our children. That's brilliant. Are you looking to protect kids or make money.


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