Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Orignal Names that The Insider toyed with prior to becoming the Insider!

Original Names for The Middletown Insider

1)   The Nor’wood we Tell You Digest
2)    Trust Us, you Know you want to Read us Times
3)   We’re not who you think we are!  GAZZETTE
4)   We have members that actually look up to minorities Times
6)    The EXPOSE* Please Don’t get upset with us that we report what YOU DID
7)     The Matthew Lesser is really Spanish Culture Review
8)     The Dan Drew wants to spend $750,000 for exotic lights on the bridge while the Economy Sucks Science Monitor.
9)      The “They make that much” on Government grants Times
10)   The Masselli/Lami Daily-
11) The Colonel Times
12) The How much did the DEMS spend NOW Review!
13) The Backstabbing Democrat Digest (Hey, I wanted to Run!)


  1. The Middletown Cringe-sider

    The "Post Every Half-Formed Thought, Conspiracy Theory, and Unfunny Quasi-Inside-Joke That Pops Into Molly's Head" Chronicle

    The Salaffington Post

  2. Dear Anon:

    Wow, why do you get so pissed off about this stuff? Mmm, I know who you are- end let me use his trace equipment on your IP address. SLAM DUNK!

  3. So which one are you? Anon 6:35? Lisa, Ed, Danny, or Daryl?

  4. If you don't like it - don't read it! Truth hurts don't it? Who cares who the writers are! You are just pissed because you want them to shut up about your wrong doing!

  5. Darrell doesn't have the smarts but then again he will do as told by the eye leaders.

  6. Funny funny funny very funny funny wtf funny and wtf

  7. Hey Masselli got a 258K Federal grant for the CHC, that should pay for 1/3 of his annual salary.

  8. He does earn a lot of money- especially for somebody that is supposed to be around to help.


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