Thursday, June 06, 2013

Chris Murphy Caption contest results!

On Saturday we published a photo of Senator Chris Murphy (D) speaking to overly excited crowd inside the Middletown Democratic Headquarters with a caption. We asked readers to write in some of their ideas for captions and we got some excellent responses on our facebook page. Thank you to all our readers who sent in witty responses. After much deliberation that lasted most of the evening and ended in a epic filibuster winners our below.

Of course, anything we were to offer as a prize would be taxed to death by the state of Ct anyway, but we like to offer the winners glossy prints of the graphic so that the next time they run into Senator Murphy they can have them autographed!

1. Leonard Frost
Ok, she was underneath my desk looking for an AR15 but only found a Derringer! So what! Stop laughing at me!

2. Rich Cutter Avallone
Senator Murphy breaking the Ice with former AP employees at the Eric Holder Trial..
3. John D'Amico 
Come one come all, get closer everyone and listen to me speak out of both sides of my mouth!

4. Chris Lemos
Hey, is that June Cleaver in the back with a meat cleaver?

5. Palin Smith
 "My mommy said I look good in blue. That's why I always wear a blue shirt."

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