Friday, May 10, 2013

Tonight on the Diner with Councilmember Kleckowski: Special Guest Judge Marino

Tonight on the Diner with Councilmember Deborah Kleckowski: 
Probate Judge Joseph D. Marino
Special Guest Judge Marino. 
Calls taken LIVE! 
860 613 3031 
8-9pm Comcast Local Cable Channel 15.

Message from Councilmember Kleckowski regarding errors in Water & Sewer bills sent recently to citizens:
"Please contact me directly if your water bill is incorrect.
As a member of WPCA, the committee that oversee Water and Sewer, I will bring your concerns forward.
We have been addressing this matter. However, I need to hear from residents who are experiencing problems. "
Councilwoman Deborah Kleckowski

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