Thursday, May 02, 2013

Labriola Statement Regarding Malloy Reimbursement, Mayor Drew Listen Up!

May 2, 2013

Contact: Chris Cooper


HARTFORD—Connecticut Republican Party Chairman Jerry Labriola, Jr. made the following statement today in response to Governor Dan Malloy reimbursing People magazine for his trip to the White House Correspondent's Dinner.
"I'm pleased that Governor Malloy suddenly 'found religion' after getting caught sinning on his free trip to this high-profile celebrity party. But it's not just the monetary cost of the Governor's frequent travels or who pays for them. His hobnobbing around the globe also means he is not here in the state he was elected to govern. Governor Malloy's appetite for out of state travel makes Arthur Fromer look like a recluse. How about less bubbly and more budget?"
Editor's Note:  We Middletown Insider folks couldn't have said it better Mr. Labriola. Busted Big Danny! You got caught so now you pay up. Little Dan Dan - take note for the next time you go roadtrippin' with BFF Matty Lesser or back to China - unless of course it is a one way trip!  Big Danny, if  you were a Republican you would be in the clink right now!

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