Sunday, March 10, 2013

Defending the 2nd Amendment in Connecticut

“Every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state.”

The Constitution of Connecticut; Article 1, Section 15.

Two important events are scheduled this week in Hartford regarding the Malloy administration's, and the state legislature's, plans to limit our gun rights. Those rights are guaranteed under the 2nd Amendment to our United States Constitution and Article 1, Section 15 of the Connecticut Constitution.

Monday March 11 - "Lobby Day" at the state capitol where gun rights supporters will meet and discuss proposed legislation with their representatives; also, to mingle and network with other 2nd Amendment supporters.

Thursday March 14March 14th is going to be a “Gun Day” for public hearings.
The Public Safety and Security Committee will hold a public hearing on Thursday, March 14, 2013 at 10:00 A.M. in Room 2C of the LOB. Details about presenting testimont are here.

Posted by the NRA (National Rifle Association):
On Monday, March 11, the National Rifle Association, in association with the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the Coalition of Connecticut Sportsmen and the Connecticut Citizens Defense League, will host a Lobby Day at the state Capitol in Hartford.  Your presence is needed to communicate with your state legislators that you oppose passage of sweeping anti-gun legislation that is riddled with failed policies and infringes on the rights of law-abiding citizens....Senate Majority Leader Martin Looney, in coordination with other anti-gun Democrats, hijacked the “Bipartisan Task Force on Gun Violence” by releasing a partisan plan.  This partisan plan eerily aligns with Governor Malloy’s recently announced package of disenfranchising proposalsand includes a ban on standard capacity magazines, a gun rationing scheme and a ban on commonly owned semi-automatic rifles.

Details for the Lobby Day:Date:  Monday, March 11
Time:  10:00 a.m.
Where:  300 Capitol Avenue in Hartford
Parking: Free parking will be available at Cabela’s in Hartford located at 475 East Hartford Boulevard North, East Hartford, CT 06118
Transportation:   A complimentary shuttle service will run between Cabela’s and the state Capitol between the hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Below is a link to a review of an important book by Edwin Vieire about the revitalization of the state militias.The article is by Nelson Hultberg posted on Oath Keepers site.
Owning Guns Not Enough

Vieira explains that the individual right to bear arms as a defense against tyranny will not suffice in and of itself. “For, confronted by usurpers and tyrants deploying ‘standing armies’ and para-militarized police forces, or by hordes of foreign invaders, armed individuals in isolation or in small groups would likely prove feckless.”

In other words, just the right to bear arms is not enough. What is necessary is the establishment of collective, coordinated state Militias. This is why the Second Amendment says, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”


  1. The turnout at the LOB "Lobby Day" today was exceptionally numerous. The Courant reported busloads of concerned 2nd Amendment supportes arrived to speak with their legislators. Courant link:

    The NRA issued a statement that, "Over 3,000 Second Amendment activists descended on Hartford to communicate to their state legislators that they oppose legislation that would infringe on their Right to Keep and Bear Arms and inhibit their inherent right to self-defense."

  2. Great follow SteadyJohn! We hope to post some videos and photos of the events!


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