A Confirmation…
Reading the paper recently, I am intrigued by what I am reading on the 13 th District State Senate Race.
In 2011, I watched Len Suzio run in a special election in a heavily Democrat district, and win. In that
time, I have seen Len travel throughout his district proudly and unapologetically fighting for a smaller,
leaner, less intrusive government.
Whether it has been on the price of gasoline in trying to cap but ultimately do away with the gross
receipts tax (which taxes gasoline on the wholesale level and goes up with the price but doesn’t go
down when the price retreats and adds a third level of taxation on gasoline), to stopping the early
release of criminals. Throughout these instances, Len has held press conferences and public events to
inform his fellow citizens of major issues in Connecticut.
I recently read where a man from Middlefield, Charles, complained that Len has refused to engage in
public events. This is a total falsehood as Len has been holding a number of events some of which I have
attended, (regarding gas prices in my case) and also press conferences on Early Release.
On Early Release, I read an article in the Record Journal from October 26 th, where his opponent
stated, “I’m not going to be on street corners letting people know how I feel. But I would understand if
the governor wants to suspend the program.” How ironic considering many people feel our politicians
don’t relate to or want to make time for us. I think this statement is quite telling because it shows how
the people of the 13th and everyone all around Connecticut are looked at by the bulk of the majority in
Therefore I implore all of you to support Len Suzio for State Senate on Tuesday, November 6 th, because
we all need men of character and integrity who are doing what they said they would in both word and
deed. Remember, politicians work for we the people, not the other way around.
Bob Beaumont, Wallingford, Conn
A Letter to the Editor on Len's lack of meeting with constituents
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