“I am tired of having to choose between the Lesser of Two
Evils so I’m staying home.”
“I’m not voting until my party gives me someone I can vote
for instead of against.”
“Political Parties
are not constitutional so voting violates the Constitution.”
“The President is
Illegitimate so voting with him on the ballot is Illegal.”
Does anyone else remember this “illegitimate” argument being
used against Bush … or against Clinton? Was either of them re-elected? If
you do not know the answer to that last question, then stop reading and go back
to sleep.
It astonishes me when some try to convince me and others to
stay home and not vote in order to teach “The Establishment” a lesson. It does teach them a lesson. It teaches them that they can get you to stay
home and not vote so that they will not have to deal with you.
Let me explain this as simply as possible to all the brain
donors out there who think that not voting gives you some sort of political
A vote not cast does not count.
The fewer people who vote, the more each vote counts because
by not voting you give your vote to those who do vote.
They would like nothing more than to have to get the votes of
the smallest number of people to give them power over the largest. Campaigning is difficult and takes valuable
time away from the real work of running other people’s lives “for their own
Their ultimate dream would be to elect the President the way
the College of Cardinals elects the Pope.
A small group of old men go into a smoke-filled room and campaign with
each other until one of them gathers enough political support to get the
required number of votes. I am not
saying that this is exactly the way it is done, nor am I saying that the Pope
is illegitimate.
However, if you watch the first episode of the Showtime
series, “The Borgias”, you will see exactly how a political establishment
wishes things were done. Understand that
this show is Hollywood script-writing and not historical fact, but it shows the
way we do NOT want to elect a President, Senator, Member of Congress, or even a
nominee for one of those offices.
Those often referred to as “The Establishment” think of
themselves as being better than everyone else.
They should be able to tell you how to live your lives while you shut up
and let your betters make your decisions for you. This way of thinking harkens back to the
“Divine Right of Kings” attitude and represents an Elitist mentality that has
infested our government.
The last thing the so-called “Establishment” wants is to
have to actually deal with the people they want to rule. That’s why they hate “Town Hall”
meetings. If you hold one of those Town
Hall meetings and the elected official or candidate for office refuses to show,
you are dealing with an Elitist. If they
attend and are happy about it, that means they actually care about your
If they get elected with your support, then they have to
listen to you in order to keep it.
If they can get you to stay home and let Union Leaders speak
for you, they can just bribe those Union Leaders with your Tax dollars, receive
some of that money kicked back in the form of campaign contributions, and work
out sweetheart deals that funnel more of your hard-earned income through the
tax system into their pockets.
Oh, I’m sorry. Did
you actually think that all those union protests are about “worker’s rights”?
Okay. Have it your
way. Union Leaders care about Union
Members. Your Union Dues are used to
protect your right to work. Santa Claus
lives in the North Pole. The Tooth Fairy
will give you a shiny quarter for each of your teeth. The best way to protect your Freedom is to
give it to your Government because they care about you. Go back to sleep.
For the rest of you, please allow me to discuss the brain
donors who think that staying home and not voting actually makes them
The biggest arguments I hear deal with Illegitimacy. Believe it or not, the current President is
not the only one who is being accused of this.
Both Clinton and Bush II were targets of this argument as well. Many people believed that Clinton was
illegitimate because of his actions as President. Many believed that Bush was not legitimately
elected and was therefore not a legitimate President.
There are those who believe that every member of a political
party is unconstitutional because political parties were not part of the
original Constitution. There are many
people who will go through the Constitution with a magnifying glass and parse
it like a lawyer with OCD to find any way, no matter how small or twisted, to
declare a sitting President illegitimate in order to invalidate everything that
President has done that they do not like.
What do they hope to accomplish? Even if you actually believe this, what would
be the point? Do they think that they
can have a Supreme Court declare an entire Presidency Unconstitutional? Can you nullify all Executive Orders? Can you repeal all Laws and Bills you don’t
like? Can you refund all Collected Taxes? Can you hire back everyone who was
fired? Can you un-invade all countries
and declare all war casualties no longer legally dead? Do you think that you can reverse history and
rewind time because you have a legal argument you can take to court? Do you see why I am referring to these people
as brain donors?
So why do they do this?
To understand this, you need to understand a point used by
Saul Alinksy and understand something he did not. There are people who will sit on the couch and
do nothing until you make their lives so uncomfortable that they have to get up
and do something about it. The problem
is that those people will want to return to that couch as soon as possible.
If you are relying on the lazy to help you, then you will be
forever frustrated. You will waste more
effort motivating them than the effort you will get out of them.
This inherent laziness is what I believe motivates the
stay-at-home crowd. They think that
making a single argument and pushing it until everyone agrees with them can
solve all the problems and allow them to go back to the couch and be
entertained. Some of them think that
their own purity is so bright that they can draw everyone to them and are
offended when this doesn’t happen. Some
just like being able to complain incessantly and then complain that nobody
listens to them.
Think of the classic cranky cantankerous curmudgeon who will
sit on his throne like Jabba the Hut and loudly yell about everything he does
not like until his wife has had enough and brains him with a cast iron frying
pan. Either that or she will leave him,
drain the retirement account, and go out to enjoy life while she still has it,
leaving him at home to complain to his pooka.
If you do not get that reference, look up the word “pooka” or watch the
movie “Harvey” and substitute Willford Brumley for Jimmy Stewart.
What the rest of us need to do is understand when we are
wasting our time.
I have pointed out to everyone I know that there is a very
simple way to avoid wasting time and effort on someone who will just not listen
to you.
For example, I have been telling fellow Conservatives that there are two types of Democrats: those who know that their
party is not the one they joined or the one they thought it was and those that
actually liked the 2012 Democrat Convention.
To avoid wasting time, ask a Democrat what they liked about
that Convention. If you see eye-rolling
or grimacing or get a nasty look, then you know you can talk to them. If you hear about how wonderful the speeches
were or how much diversity there was or any comment about how good it was, just
walk away. You are dealing with the
willfully blind who will go through life with Eyes Wide Shut and not listen to
reason so don’t waste your time.
On the same note, do not waste your time with those who want
you to stay home and not vote until they get what they want. They will not listen to reason or logic any
more than the committed brainwashed fools who have believed everything they
have been told because the person lying to them is charming and popular. For some, the more you argue with them the
more they like it because they crave the attention and enjoy arguing. Walk away.
If you want elected officials to listen to you then you must
show that you matter and not voting means that your opinion does not matter and
no politician will waste time on you.
The best way to make sure votes are not counted is to not
vote at all.
That is the best way to abdicate power and those who do not
go to the polls are voting to let other people make their decisions for them to
avoid responsibility.
They are an Army of None.
“I am a lone voice crying in the wilderness
and I know you can hear me but will you listen?”
---Tim D.
Enchanter, Lone Wolf Patriots
* Guest blogs do not necessary reflect the views of the staff of the Insider. Guest blogs like letters to the editor are opinions, and posted as a courtesy and for discussion purposes for our readers.
Life is not a spectator sport. If you're going to spend your whole life in the grandstand just watching what goes on, in my opinion you're wasting your life. See the link below for more info.