Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wave the Flag Event Middletown!

Support America, support our veterans......WAVE THE FLAG EVENT
When:  September 1, 2012
Where: Corner of Main and Washington Street, Middletown CT
Time:  Noon-1pm

See you there-bring a flag and a sign:   Thank you veterans!   We love America!
Event is organized by Gail Whitright --www.PropositionUSA.com   
  "Taking back America"
Middletown Republican Town Committee will be in attendance,  anyone & everyone & all groups welcome & invited!

Fact:  Every 80 minutes a veteran commits suicide.   Over 200,000 homeless veterans.
Support the vets, Support America!
See you on September 1!

Below is a patriotic poem written by local teacher Gail Whitright and featured on the website for Proposition USA, a blog and group of Teachers who believe in helping veterans.
Author, Teacher, and Veteran
Supporter, Gail Whitright

Poem by Gail Whitright

This country is made of immigrants who came through Ellis Island - our front door
They were tired, they were hungry and all of them were poor.

The English had a work ethic that did not call for rest
The Pilgrims were gutsy and set the foundation for our country to be the best

With the Irish, America too was their destiny and a new life too their fate
They were determined to survive according to history and the famine of 1848.

The Germans had covered wagons and log cabins on the lands.
They had nothing and survived with their bare hands

The Italians, with courage and hard work they would not accept defeat
I grew up with Italian farmers who stopped working just long enough to eat

The Portuguese - their piece of the pie they can redeem
They made it with their families working as a team

If you’re hungry at night, you’ll be served right away
Because in Connecticut we’ve got the Greeks who are working 24 hours a day!

The Asians work hard to fill their needs
It is their honor and discipline is the reason they succeed

With the Scandinavians their goodness never wanes
They’re a hearty lot - The Finns, Norwegians, Swedes and Danes

The Jews have initiative and showed us something which is this
They showed how important love of learning and education is

The Czechs, Bosnians and Hungarians want the same as you and me
They were fleeing opppression all's they ever wanted was to be free

For excellent neighbors, who made great citizens too
If you want self-reliance French Canadians will always come through

Haitians are determined and make A+ friends I find
I like West Indians because they are industrious and kind

Tle Poles worked hard and did what they should
They succeeded because they are honest and good

Blacks have tremendous talent, they do it all in stride
It's easy for black children to have something called Black Pride

The Vietnamese, Laotians and Cambodians wanted more then just to pass
They rolled up their sleeves and are graduating at the top of their class

Latinos with their families to their goals they will stride
Their successes and accomplishments is what gives them pride

Indians are very special with values they hold so dear
They are very special friends because they have so much to share

Yankee ingenuity and hard work was Connecticut’s fate
400 years of self-reliance made Connecticut the wealthiest state

How did Connecticut become so wealthy - where do I begin?
In 1633 the founders of our state - believed not working was a sin

Hard work and self reliance is how this country grew
Plus WE'RE AMERICANS and there's nothing we can't do!

The fact is red, yellow, brown, black and white
Take is from a school marm - Education is half the fight

Through faith  - WE WILL RALLY - do not fret
D-Day, A man on the moon - Those were AMERICANS - Don’t forget!

Won’t you join us - PROPOSITIONUSA - We won’t go down in defeat!
Because through hard work and helping one another...





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